Language Development Sound Chart

90% of the children master these sounds by the ages listed below.

Developmental Sound Chart - Males

Age Sounds
3 yrs. p, b, m, h, w
3 yrs. 6 mo. d, k, n, initial f (fun), t
4 yrs. g
5 yrs. y
5 yrs. 6 mo. final f (if), v, kw, tw
6 yrs. initial l (love), pl, bl, kl, gl, fl
7 yrs. ch, sh, j, voiced th (this), final l (ball), ing, r, er, s, z, sw, sp, st, sm, sn, sl, sk, skw, spl
8 yrs. voiceless th (thumb), dr, tr, br, pr, kr, gr, fr
9 yrs. thr, spr, str, skr

Developmental Sound Chart - Females

Age Sounds
3 yrs. p, b, d, m, h, w
3 yrs. 6 mo. k, g, n, initial f (fun)
4 yrs. t, y, tw, kw
4 yrs. 6 mo. voiced th (this)
5 yrs. initial l (love)
5 yrs. 6 mo. final f (if), v, pl, bl, fl, kl, gl
6 yrs. ch, sh, j, voiceless th (thumb), final l (ball)
7 yrs. ing, s, z, sp, st, sk, sm, sn, sw, sl, skw, spl, r, er, dr, tr, br, pr, kr, gr, fr
8 yrs. thr, spr, str, skr

Information obtained from a Speech and Language Pathologist

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