Number Discovery A shoe box to house the materials. This can be plastic or a regular shoe box you would get from Wal-Mart, Payless, or any other shoe store. Contents of the of the shoe box: a magnifying glass, a picture of a magnifying glass with a number written out (nine) on it, a picture of a magnifying glass with stars on it (ranging from 1-10, 1-20), and a card with a number on it in tiny font (6 or 7 pixels). Laminate all materials you are able to in order to get longer life out of them. All the materials must fit inside the shoe box.

Number Discovery

This activities focuses on a variety of skills: one-to-one correspondence, counting, number identification, and number word identification

  • The child randomly picks a card with a tiny number on it
  • Looks at the number through the magnifying glass to identify the number
  • Find the magnifying glass (card) with the correct corresponding number of stars on it
  • Match them up.
  • After activity is complete, the child places everything back into the shoe box.
Will need to check the child(ren)'s work as they are completing the activity.

Or you can add Velcro (hook side (rough) on one card and loop (soft) side on the other card)dots to each card and the child can attach them together for checking their work later.

Variation to the activity: After the child has mastered matching the number to correct number of stars, you can have them match the written number to the correct number and the correct number of stars.


Tags: Activity, Counting, Math, Numbers, Words